Saturday, May 19, 2012

A quick 1000 yards.

Let's see how well this works; posting from my phone.

The 17th, did a quick 1000 yards, same rules as before (300, then sets of 250.)

Lap 1. 7:38
Lap 2. 6:12
Lap 3. 6:37
Lap 4  6:41

So 1000 yards in 27 minutes. Not too bad.

I did a barefoot mile the 18th at my overnight hotel in Buffalo. 12 minutes, alternating a pace of 3.5 for 2 minutes and 6.0 for 2 minutes. Keeping the rhythm up at 180 beats per minute. They call it a fast turnover; keeps your feet under you by making you shorten your stride to prevent heel striking; longer strides land on the heels, shorter strides land pronated or slightly toe first. Barefoot, that is your goal.

Treadmill barefoot is ok, I have not brought it to the street yet. Kind of a dicey proposition on pavement. So, jury is still out for that, but I know I want to save my knees, so we shall see.

I found some great videos (links to come,) of bodyweight workouts and high intensity interval training workouts. So it goes like this... After your warmup, you work out hard for 30 seconds, then rest for 15, repeating till you are through.

So one of them is (30 on, 15 off,)
Glute bridge raises
Alternating pushups
Mountain climbers
High running legs
Windshield wipers
Alternating calf raises

So I have been doing 5 miles at 90 rpm (about 16.5 mph) on the exercise bike, and then a set of interval training. Finish at 20 miles with 4 intervals. Kicked my butt, but feels great.

So that is the workout dealio. Things are going smoothly, and today, Saturday, is a rest and sailing day.

Milk stuff.

A few months back, I started a series of posts on raw milk, especially the health benefits of drinking raw milk. Chris Newsweek of The Healthy Skeptic is writing that very topic on his website, and he is doing it much better than I ever could. I'll be taking largish excerpts from his site onto here, but also I will link to his posts. More to come on that soon.

Cheers, y'all...


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