Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Exercising THE Civic Duty

Hi all (well, both of you who read this, to be honest...)


So in my running around today, I voted early.

I am really of two minds about this (alert... political talk of a sort.)

I love the convenience of early voting, especially with my job. I always hated filling out the absentee ballot, because I know it will not be counted in Illinois unless X% + something ballots are cast, and an election covered by those ballots is decided by a number related to that.

So knowing when you cast your ballot that it will probably not be counted really sucks.

Laws differ from state to state, but that was the law last time I voted absentee. As a pilot, particularly with Eagle coming out with schedules when they do, I just don't know far enough ahead of time if I will be around to vote in person.

So, I can vote early... I will be at home SOMEtime in the week window that I can vote inside. Sweet.

The problem with it was well described in a National Review article a few days ago, though (I cannot find the link): I am not necessarily voting for the same 4 candidates (presidential ticket, including Libertarian and Green) that the people on Election Day will.

Information could come out between when I cast my REAL vote when when the election comes around, that would make me change my mind about someone (Like Romney did something I found non-vote worthy, or something secret that Obama has done in office to undermine the USA, or whatever...)

Some people have early voting that started a month ago. (Same article, wish I could find it.) Before a single debate happened! Why would you want to cast a vote before the candidates had at least come face-to-face with each other, instead of their talking heads speaking for them, and actually... well... SPOKE.

Anyways, I am of two minds about early voting. I think it is great, but I pay a great deal of attention to politics, know the candidates and most of the issues, read what I can, and make an informed decision.

So Thomas thought voting was cool (he liked the touch screen.)

He asked what we were doing there ("What are we doing here, Papa?"

I said
Thomas, this is where we go to exercise one of the single most important rights we have as Americans. What we should try to do, is become familiar with the candidates, know their agenda, and understand what they are trying to do. Then, we think about what we really want, what is best for us and for our country, and then we decide our vote based upon that. That is what I do, and that is what all these people do, too (I voiced under my breath..'I hope.')
So Thomas got to see daddy vote, just like my mom took me when I was knee high to a tadpole (I remember the voting machines; big metal enclosures with a curtain across the front, all these knobs and levers to flip, literally. Then, when you were done, this large metal rod that you slammed to the side to tally your vote and clear the levers for the next voter.)

So... even for y'all who do not vote-- you make a choice. I hope everyone makes the choice seriously and takes that charge that so many people, brave men and women,
We Mutually Pledge to Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes and Our Sacred Honor
 died to give us. When people die for something, to give you something, we better honor that. I honor it by voting in every election since I was 18.



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