Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Follower of the Son of Hitler


I'm riding my bike home from physical therapy, and I stop at the local branch of the library, because they were kind enough to send me an email that the books I requested came in ("The Complete Idiot's Guide To Urban Homesteading," and "Meat Eater, Adventures From The Life of an American Hunter.")

While I am checking out my books, there is an older (mid to late 50s) (older than me, anyways) lady talking with the librarian about unions, and how it all began with Reagan, and yadda yadda yadda.

O.k... I am a very political person, but I keep my thoughts (in general) to myself. I am finding more and more that "Liberal' and "Conservative" have ceased to have any proper meaning, except for calling each other names. Basically, I avoid the topic, especially in public, or where people might get their feelings hurt.

(Just so ya know, my political beliefs are quite well thought out, I've thought on them long and hard, they have stood the test of time... so far... ask me in another 20 years.)

And then we get this---
"Anyone who would vote for that Son of Hitler cannot be an American."
And then she turns to me, and smiles, because we all agree with her, right?

Now, I am in the conversation. Thanks for pulling me in. Surprise!
"Ma'am, I was born in Seattle, and raised in Chicago. I worked for the Democratic Party when I was younger, but I have voted for whomever I thought fit the bill when elections came around every time since I turned 18. I've voted for Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and 1 (one) member of the Green Party (I was quite 'put out' with both parties. I even voted straight Libertarian one year.) So, I am not an American?"
"You are going to vote for that Son of Hitler? Then no, you are not an American."
Really? REALLY? You don't even know me!

This is what drives me bonkers about both political stripes, but particularly about Liberals. People who call themselves Liberal have open minds, are willing to accept those who do not talk or act like themselves, people who eat different foods, worship under different belief systems.

At least, that is the way it is 'supposed' to work.

I've found over many many years, and many conversations, that there are monsterously large numbers of 'liberals' who say that that is the case, right up until someone thinks differently than they do. Heaven Forbid!

So I said....
"So, because I believe that our current President does not have the correct answers for what is wrong with our economy, nor does he have even an infant's concept of what needs to be done in the Mid East, and I am in a position to vote for someone whom I think is the lesser of two evils, that I am a follower of the Son of Hitler?"
"Well, if you are voting for him then yes."
"I am merely choosing the lesser of two evils, I don't think either one is great, for that matter."
"You just don't want to vote for the Black Man."
REALLY?!?!?!  Are you fucking kidding me??
"So if it was Clarence Thomas running for president, you would vote for him because he is black?" 
"No, he is just an Uncle Tom."
Ah, I see it now....
"Actually, I will vote against President Obama because I don't like what is in his mind, not the color of his skin. I don't really care what color someone's skin is."
"You just don't want to vote for a Black Man." 
I also didn't vote for him for Senate; I guess I am a racist. Oh, wait.. he was running against a black man. How do we square that circle!!
"So, let me get this straight; I voted against Gore, I voted against Kerry, but now because there is a black man running for President, on the same ticket, with basically the same platform, if I vote against him I am racist?"
"You are a follower of that Son of Hitler, yes."
Hope you are all (all 4 of you, I guess) having a lovely day, I think it is time for me to go find my Klan Kostume and get my lilly white ass down to the boat; Maybe I can find a rally and we can burn some crosses!!

What a tiny little mind, and what a horrible world she must live in.

Be of good cheer,


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