Friday, November 9, 2012

Back to work

Ok, back we go.

So I basically took a month off of blogging, etc, trying to get my head back in the game. So much going on with the Election, yadda yadda yadda, I kind of shut down this part (blogging) of my life because I don't want that to be what my blog is about.


I'm in physical therapy because of my knee. Patellofemoral Pain. AKA Runner's Knee. Repetitive motion injuries.... yay.

But, thankfully, I am interested in triathlons, and even though you have to run to finish, there is still the swim and the bike to challenge me. I can still swim, and I can still bike, so I am still doing that.

So I will be keeping my regular training log on here again, just as a training diary, workout diary, whatever you want to think of it.

7 Nov 2012.

800y swim (17 minutes,)  PT Homework, upper body workout.

Felt good to swim. Always feels good to swim. I am doing some minor interval training in my swim, with the first 50 yards at a slightly slower than race pace, then the 3rd leg at high pace, and then 4th leg back at my slower than race pace... all followed by about 20 seconds floating at the end of the pool.

Felt great lifting again. I have kind of neglected the weight work since I started PT, but I am back into the swim of things.

I am a big fan of Mike at Sixpackshortcuts. I don't think i will ever have six pack abs (although I do have some pony keg going on,) but they are great HIIT workouts for overnights. Simple when you can't get to the gym, and Interval Training is the way to go.

9 Nov 2012.

Did an hour on the exercise bike today, alternating 2 minute intervals at 80 RPM and 100 RPM (after a 5 minute warm up, and always stretch first.)At minute 50 I switched to 110 RPM for 5 minutes, and then back to 80 for the last 5 minutes as a cooldown. The computer said I did 14.2 miles, and burned 449 calories. Not too shabby.

Then I did my PT homework for my knee, and did some upper body work (dumbbell workout, mostly.) Always feels good to have a good day working out, especially when I am on a trip, and it is not me losing time with Thomas and Nicole. Even though I want to do distance work, I would like to do more triathlons, I want to take as little time as I have to from my home life.

I am going to keep a running total of distance and time in a widget on the sidebar... might be interesting to see just how far I go before next year's Chicago Triathlon.

That's all for now!
